Dynamic Talks I UI meetup

Next Tuesday, we’ll discuss why it is essential to understand ML’s power for a developer and the high-level NestJS framework for UI engineer.

ИТ и интернет 18+

Speaker 1 — Alexey Gaynulin, Senior UI Developer
“The practical usage of Machine learning for a developer”

Skills Development is part of our profession. We always have to study technologies to stay up-to-date in our business. We believe the most crucial topic to consider for any developer is Machine learning.
Machine Learning is a "deep ocean" of various technologies, algorithms, libraries, and tools. However, what benefits does it provide for a software developer (for a none- ML/Data Science specialist)? Why is it essential to understand ML’s power for a developer?
Nowadays, many routine tasks that have been solved by the classical "coding approach" can be implemented thanks to ML in the most efficient way.
We, as Software engineers, should understand the power of ML and when to use it, or at least understand when to delegate our routine tasks to an ML specialist.
In this presentation, I will demonstrate ML’s practical usage for specific tasks, which will serve as a practical example that can be useful for any developer.

Speaker 2 — Artem Ivanov, UI Developer
“NestJS — the Brave New World of the backend in Node”

For a long time, "express" was the first and even the only association with a node.js. Currently, we use various frameworks — fastify, hapi, sails, but most of those libraries are not as stable as Spring is in the Java world. Looking for the dependency injection, fully-manageable lifecycle, scalability, brevity, and equivalents of Angular in back-end, we can turn to NestJS, which brings advanced technology to the node reality.

Join us on July 28 at 7 PM MSK
The event will be in English.
Reserve your slot here — https://bit.ly/3fFQYnv


1683 дня назад
28 июля 2020 19:00–20:30

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