• 21 августа 2019, среда
  • Киев, Holiday Inn,  ул. Большая Васильковская, 100

Dynamic Talks in Kyiv I Big Data I Data Science meetup

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1709 дней назад
21 августа 2019 c 0:00 до 0:00
Holiday Inn,  ул. Большая Васильковская, 100

Welcome to our first meeting of Dynamic Talks in Kyiv, Ukraine! Explore the latest in Big Data and Data Science world!

Welcome to Holiday Inn Kyiv on Wednesday, August, 21 where
Stanislav Bytsko, BigData Dev, Grid Dynamics, will talk about the experience of migrating to Big Data stack and how it is approached across the industry.
During its short history, the Big Data field went through some sweeping changes. Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Сloud technologies like Big Query keep redefining what is considered the “best-practice” approach.
We’ll walk through these transformations, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each approach and how they map to global trends.

After that Andriy Nikishaev, ML Tech Lead at 20 Thousand Leagues, will present his experience with the Automatic HiRes Photo Enhancing task and describe in detail one interesting Neural Network that allows the user to enhance large input images in real time, and — despite some limitations — uses quite interesting tricks.
Photo Enhancing is quite a challenging task, in most approaches people used classical CV algorithms to solve it, but over the last few years more and more people are trying to use Neural Networks to achieve some improvements and “intelligence” in sub-tasks of this problem.

Dynamic Talks is an ongoing meetup series featuring technical talks from some of the leading experts in tech in USA and Europe. Event is free to attend. RSVP: http://eepurl.com/gzCQOX


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